New accessories for fall! Woven leather hair slides
These leather hair slides have been on my mind for years. Unfortunately, every time I searched for leather cording, all I could find was cheap thin cord made of chopped up and processed leather, formed with glue. This may be fine for some applications, but eventually at stresspoints it can crack and break. Not ideal for someone who strives for a high quality end product.
The day finally arrived that I found my source. Yay! Real cording made from a single piece of leather and they came in beautiful colors. Whew!
Then came the hair stick. I knew what I wanted it to be, but wasn’t sure how to make it happen. Luckily, I have a Dad who can make ANYTHING. He was kind enough to lend his skills to this time-starved mama and he made these perfect brass sticks for me. I then dyed wood beads to match leather colors and put them at the end of the stick. This ensures your stick won’t fly out and impale someone. :)
I hope you enjoy them!